Rapid Medical
Jul 8, 2021
Ruptured ACOM Assisted Coiling Using Comaneci 17
Great case with Dr. Ethan Benardete M.D., Ph.D. at Baylor Scott & White Health, this morning in Temple, Texas. 68 year old female...

Rapid Medical
Jul 6, 2021
"TIGERTRIEVER was the Game Changer Here..."
80 year old male with wake up stroke arrived our center with mild hemiparesis (13:10), NECT showed no hypodensities (13:22, ASPECTS 10),...

Rapid Medical
Jul 5, 2021
First TIGERTRIEVER in Estonia
First #Tigertriever case in Estonia done by Dr. sulev margus at East Tallinn Central Hospital. 68 year old female, with atrial...