"Final Recanalization Achieved with Tiger 13"
82 year old lady with mild left sided hemiparesis since 3:00 am arrived our hospital at 7:38 am (NIHSS 4). CCT (7:52) showed ASPECTS 10, CTP showed perfusion lesion in the MCA territory and CTA detected peripheral M2 occlusion. Therapy with NOAK, so no rtPA. Decision for distal vessel thrombectomy was made. General anesthesia as usual (door-to-groin 63 min). We could pass the aortic arch type 3 in some minutes (radial access would have been our second choice) and reach the occlusion with 156 cm 1,6F Headway Duo over a 205 cm 0,014“ Transend soft tip microwire with support from 5F Sofia. Final recanalization was achieved with the third pass of Tiger-13 – door-to-final-TICI 132 min. Old lady is now recovering.
