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Comaneci for Vasospasm

Unique case of #Comaneci_Assisted_Angioplasty (CAA) for a SAH-induced Vasospasm:

55/F Post partially coiling ACom ruptured aneurysm 7 days ago.

Developed severe symptomatic vasospasm in multiple segments in the Anterior and Posterior circulation.

Total of 20 angioplasties with #Comaneci17 Including P1-P2 PCA, ICA, A2, M2 segments. Concerning A1 LACA angioplasty, I had to traverse ACOM-Rt. A1-Rt. MCA to make sure that the Comaneci is well-opened in a straight segment (device alignment).

Each deployment of Comaneci lasted 3 minutes with concomitant IA Nimodipine administration through intermediate guiding catheter.

The patient was treated daily for 4 days. Control head CT excluded any new ischemic lesions in the interval period. Clinically the patient returned to a full consciousness with no new focal neurological deficit comparing to baseline.


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