Carotid Terminus Occlusion, Single Pass, TICI lll
77 year old male, with a wake up stroke – Carotis terminus occlusion, NIHSS 16 - Conducted by Ralf Schneider MD, Zentrum für Integrierte Rehabilitation in den RKU - Universitäts- und Rehabilitationskliniken Ulm, Germany 122 minute door to full reperfusion ( TICI lll ) with 1 pass of Tigertriever: 5:48 Patient hospitalized 6:06 Physician is called 7:00 Groin puncture 7:42 Perfusion restored – TICI III 1st pass with Tigertriever Set up: -Flowgate - Balloon Guide Catheter -Catalyst 7 -Distal Access Catheter -Rebar 18 MC navigated by TransendEx 0.014 GW -Tigertriever -Medela aspiration pump - for aspiration catheter -Vacloc syringe - for balloon guide catheter